Thursday, January 6, 2011

Issues Brainstorming

Sustainability:  green community gardens and making spaces more green, ecspecially in the city.

Gateway Greening- Our mission is to contribute to neighborhood vitality and stability through community food projects, education and wellness programs, and civic greening.

Homesless: Link with abandoned buildings, Parkview Place Apartments provide government funded place to live

Education: promotion of education especially for women, help under-privileged people stay in school and get into college. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Research Questions

What bearing does education have on women and girl's social decisions?

Are women more likely to see marriage as their only option if they are uneducated? 

How is depression and suicide linked to women's education?

Friday, November 19, 2010

International Human Rights Project

I am interested in women's education in Afghanistan. On The guardian Website an author explains,"Women's education has been severely compromised in Afghanistan as a resurgent Taliban has practiced a policy of intimidation of female students. Women, who make up a significant proportion of Afghanistan's population, have been killed, burned and threatened for attending school. Many teachers have been executed in remote villages by the Taliban during the latest resurgence." I wonder if the Taliban restricts women's rights because of religious reasons or because they are worried that by educating women that they are giving the a voice in society? While significant strides have been made by humanitarians such as Greg Mortenson, many women are uneducated Afghanistan. Sometimes, women then marry because they feel it is their only way out and some even commit suicide. How does education have a bearing on marriage. I am also interested whether the war in Afghanistan has helped or hindered women's education.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Maus II reactions

An interesting question that I had was how Art's father was shaped by his experiences at Auschwitz. To me I feel that because he was given so little (clothes, food, water etc.) Art's father became frugal and thankful for the things he had later in life. I also get the feeling that he is on edge all the time and maybe that is because of the atrocities that he experienced. I think Art doesn't understand at the beginning of the book why his father wants him to be around for so long, but I think it is because his father has lost so many people close to him and wants to spend all the time with his loved ones that he can.

Monday, September 20, 2010

KLG Disscussion September 20th

I am very interested in Leopold's treatment of the blacks and if it would have been different if they were of another race. While I know that his treatment of them was partially because of their skin color, Leopold was greedy and would his greed even suppress white people?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

King Leopold's Ghost: Chapter 1

When I began reading King Leopold's Ghost, I was unaware of what it was about exactly. I never really heard about the "scramble for Africa" and why it was important. Little did I know mass murders occurred at this time because of greed. I knew a little about slave trading, but not that the slave trading was so vile. I was very unaware that anything besides what we hear about now (hunger, poverty and genocide) was present in Africa. They had a community that flourished. While much of it's success was because of slave trading (especially to the Portuguese). While I was shocked at what "the white men" did to the Africans, I was even in more shock that Africans offered up their own people in fear to the slave traders. While in later years, the people of the Congo were brutally massacred, something many fail to acknowledge, including myself. I find it almost embarrassing that I am unaware of such a huge event in world history, but the truth is, no information is made available about such events. Why is this event so unknown? Are there still events going on today as a result of the past? How did the people of the Congo deal with such a mass genocide? I look forward to answering these and many more....